Wednesday, October 30, 2019

London Oct 30 day 2

I had an excellent night’s sleep and felt ready to be on local time.  Since our breakfasts will be in the hotel the next 2 days, I ventured out to a funky neighborhood cafe for eggs & latte.  My travel friend Merle arrived later this morning, and we had the day free, so we walked to the Victoria & Albert Museum.  Didn't stay too long, but enjoyed what we saw—and we got in some walking—about 2.5 miles.  (Yesterday I got in 4.5 miles!).
At 5pm the whole group convened for an orientation & dinner.  There are 46 in our group.  We learned that the first group who took this trip (and returned home a couple days ago) had 45 in their group.  They said they loved the plane—-it’s well appointed, and has a bar and socializing area—-and they had a terrific trip.  (Though we doubt we’d have been told if there were any bad things that happened!  We agreed that it’s good the first group went first—to work out any kinks in this itinerary!)
We met our 2 guides—-Chris(tine) and Kevin.  Very interesting people—both British.  And we chatted with a number of our co-travelers.  But everyone was pretty tired as they’d arrived today.
We take off early tomorrow for Stonehenge and Avebury Stone Circle.
It was another very chilly day here, but happily not rainy!
And we’re off!  :-)

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

London Oct 29. Day 1

I arrived this morning after a pretty fast flight from SF. Steve Wozniak was on my flight!  Shortly after I arrived at my hotel about noon, our family friends from England met me and spent the day with me.First we had a pub lunch ( fun) then we walked to Harrods. People watching there is so fun!  We had some afternoon tea— which I needed to keep going —then went to the museum of natural history. My hotel is in Kensington , so there’s lots to see nearby. It was surprisingly cold here.
We parted company about 6:00 pm. I’m having a beer at the hotel, planning to turn in Very early!
Tomorrow my travel buddy Merle arrives and tomorrow evening the group convenes.
It’s very exciting to be here and to contemplate the trip that will follow! Here is us at the museum today —( I’m writing jet lagged & fast here so excuse any typos!  )  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Itinerary Oct-Nov 2019

My previous posting in September gave the overview & background about my trip.  Here is the day-by-day itinerary.  Each post gives slightly different info.

As always, I will post when I have time and internet access.  It might not be daily!  I hope I’ll be able to write while on our plane.  We’ll see. . .



Oct 28             Depart SFO
Oct 29             Arrive London in morning.  Spend day with David & Jenny
Oct 30             Free time on my own until 5 pm when group first convenes
Oct 31             Motorcoach to Stonehenge & Avebury. (This is the only site I’ve already seen)
                        Halloween night on our own in London!

Nov. 1             Board “our” plane & fly to Cairo.  Lecture on Egypt.
Nov 2              The Pyramids, Solar Boat Museum, Sphinx, Antiquities Museum

Nov 3              Fly to Jordon.  Visit Wadi Rum & Valley of the Moon. Hotel in Petra
Nov 4              Lecture on the Bedouin people/culture.  Walking tour of Petra.

Nov 5              Fly to New Delhi
Nov 6              Visit Taj Mahal & Agra Fort.  Visit local market.
Nov 7              Visit Old Delhi, including mosque Jama Masjid.  Visit Sikh temple.

Nov 8              Fly to Shijaziashuang airport, China (near Beijing). Coach to hotel in Beijing.
Nov 9              Great Wall of China & Temple of Heaven. Later, visit Tiananmen Square Beijing.
Nov 10            Forbidden City.  Lunch at home of local families.  Fly to Xi’an (Chinese plane)
Nov 11            Xi’an International Studies University for lecture & visit Terra Cotta Warriors.

Nov 12            Fly to Shijaziashuang airport, then board our plane to fly to Cambodia.  Evening dance performance
Nov 13            Pre-dawn visit to see sunrise at Angkor Wat.  Visit Angkor Thom (Buddhist) . Visit Banteay Srei, Hindu temple.

Nov 14            Visit Ta Prohm, (“Jungle Temple”).  Fly to Myanmar.  Fly to Bagan (Burmese plane
Nov 15            Visit Bagan temples & pagaods.  Irrawaddy River cruise.   

Nov 16            Visit Kuthodaw Pagoda, Golden Palace.  Fly to Oman.
Nov 17            Visit Muscat, Grand Mosque, Al Alam Palace, Mutrah Soukmarketplace.  Lecture on Omani culture.  Dinner cruise

Nov18             Fly to London.
Nov 19            Fly London to SFO.  Then sleep for a month!! ;-)