Friday, September 13, 2019

Coming Attractions: “Around the World” Oct-Nov 2019

Now that Telluride is over, I am focusing attention on getting ready for my big trip Oct 28-Nov 19 with Road Scholar). I’m going with my Nashville travel friend, Merle, with whom I’ve gone on two other Road Scholar trips: the Netherlands & Southwestern France (prehistoric painted caves.) She & I are getting quite excited now!

Here’s the 3 week itinerary:
1. London —-to see Stonehenge. (Circa 3000 BC).  (It’s the only place on this trip where I’ve already been (4 times!)
2. Cairo—-to see the pyramids, Sphinx, etc.  (circa 2570 BC)
3. Jordon—to see Petra (the ancient city built into the rocks) (circa 9,000 BC)
4. Delhi— to see the Taj Mahal (circa 1632) & old Delhi.
5. China—to see the Great Wall (circa 1600s), Xi’an, Terra Cotta figures (circa 210 BC), Forbidden City, Silk Road
6. Cambodia—to see Angkor Wat & Angkor Thom, Hindu & Buddhist temples (circa 1100s)
7. Myanmar—previously British Burma—to see Bagan—(with miles of Buddhist temples, pagodas & monasteries). (Circa 9th century)
8. Oman—to see Muscat’s Islamic architecture

All of the details are planned for us.  We will have our own B-767 plane to take us from place to place, with British flight crew.  (About 45 in our group). We’ll stay in 4-5 star hotels and have local experts prepare us for each site.  As you can see, the theme is architecture from ancient times, as well as the cultures and religions of the regions.  Amazing!
I’ve gotten lots of vaccinations as well as bug repellent for clothes & person, to (hopefully) not pick up any unwanted souvenirs on the trip!

That’s all for now!

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