Monday, September 2, 2013

Closing day Telluride 2013

It is always sad to see the festival come to an end.  I was up till 2 am last night so I missed going to the first film.  We had the festival Labor Day picnic in the park which always has yummy food.  My first film today was Inside Llewyn Davis --- the Coen brothers movie about a folk musician in early 1960s New York--- a character study. T Bone Burnett supplied music.  Interesting performances by Carrie Mulligan, John Goodman & Justin Timberlake.  Oddly, it was not violent!

The last film today was an excellent documentary of JD Salinger.  Absolutely compelling story & information. I highly recommend this one.

Tonight we will have dinner rather than squeeze in another movie.  My list of my favorites yesterday still stand.

So here is the final list of what I saw:
( with one* by the good ones and 2 ** by the best)

All is Lost
A tribute to Redford (clips)
Invisible Woman*
12 years as a slave**
Labor Day*
The Past*
The lunchbox**
Palo Alto
Le Maison de la Radio (doc)
Before the Winter's Chill*
The Prisoners*
Inside Llewyn Davis
Salinger ** (doc)

Total:16--- a new record! :-)

Until next year...

Sunday Sept 1, 2013

It appears that the front runners for the best movies this year at Telluride are Nebraska, 12 years as a Slave and the one we saw first thing this morning: Tracks. It told a real story of a young woman known as " the camel lady" because in the 1970' s she traveled 1700 miles across the Australian desert alone with her  camels. I had no idea I'd enjoy this so much. Following  it there was an interview that included the lead actress (Mia Wasikowska-- who did Alice in Wonderland) and the actual woman 30+ years later.
I got pix of them.

Next we went to the Lunchbox--- a charming story set in Mumbai. I liked it very much.

We then went to The Past--- by the same filmmaker who did the Separation which won Academy award for best foreign film 2 yrs ago. It was very  well done and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
We ended the day by seeing Gravity--- Sandra Bullock & George  Clooney.  It will be in theaters soon. I thought the cinematography was special & very clever but the movie was so- so.

I'm very tired & didn't give many details here but later, I'll be happy to give you better impressions of any that interest you.

I did see the actress who did the movie Gloria & told her how much I liked her performance. She won best actress at Berlin ( Paulina Garcia).