Friday, August 31, 2012

Aug 31 Fri afternoon

We we're off to a great start.  Two events of significance so far.  1) We attended the brunch for Patrons (which is where last year we had the photo op with Mr. Clooney) and saw lots of people, including: Laura Dern, Laura Linney, Ken Burns, Leonard Maltin, and. . . . drumroll. . . . Ben Affleck!  Rumor was he would be here.  I have various pix of him & others and took one of Michelle with him!  She's got quite a start in her collection of famous people.  :-)   I had trouble adding it here so I'll post it later, but here's a pic of just him.
2) Then we went to the first screening for Patrons and it was, naturally, one starring Ben Affleck (which he directed & co-produced with George Clooney).  It's called Argo.  It's about the freeing of 6 of the Americans during the Iran hostage crisis---the 6 who had escaped capture by the Iranians before the rest were taken hostage.  This one will be really popular with everyone.
It's almost time for the opening day barbecue, then off to another film tonight.
We're still unsure what sneak previews there will be that have not yet been announced.  The Festival has a new app for our phones, so we can keep up with the changes in scheduling.
Gotta go.  No time to write more now.

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