Friday, August 26, 2022

(Pre) Telluride Film Festival 2022 (8/26/22)

 Yippee!  It’s that time of year! Fortunately the same group will be meeting up again in Colorado on Aug.30th,  in advance of the festival: Michelle, Pat, Julie & me. We have the same condo as last year which is fantastic because it’s about a 2 minute walk to our venue.  There are many venues where films are shown, but we have the kind of pass that gives us access to the one theatre where we can see whatever films they send there. The benefit is we’re in one place and don’t have to run around from place to place.  The downside is we can’t pick the films, and it’s possible to miss some being shown elsewhere  that we wanted to see. We also don’t see as many interviews and actors/directors/writers  as we would with other passes. But we have found the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.  And for me, having recently gotten over Covid, I’m glad we have a short walk to movies!

We had a happy surprise when we flew back home out of Montrose last year: Southwest suddenly had a presence.  We always have had to fly on United.  Now for the 4 of us, with a gizillion SW points, that meant we could fly FREE this year! 😀

My first year going to the festival with Michelle was 2002—I can’t believe this means it’s my 19th year!! (Not 20 because they didn’t have the 2020 festival).  I figure if I see 13 films per festival on average, times 19 years, I will have seen 247 new, yet-unreleased films at Telluride! Whew!

The first film I’ll see will be a sneak peek on Thursday, Sept 1st.  I’m in the legacy circle, so I’m invited to this screening in advance of the festival, which officially starts Sept 2 and goes until Labor Day, 9/5.  Most likely I’ll post my first entry on 9/2.  As always, we won’t find out what films we’ll see until we get there.  Programs come out on 9/2.  

Can’t wait! 
