Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21, 2021 --Prep for Telluride Film Festival 2021

We have lived through the most difficult and bizarre 2 years since I took my last (spectacular)  Road Scholar trip.  The Covid 19 pandemic got underway early 2020.  Besides that, I lost my dear sweet Roger in July 2020.  It was most sad and difficult, after our wonderful 43 years together.  

I moved to Lincoln in December 2020 and it is only now, August 2021 that I have the chance to plan a return to the Telluride Film Festival in Sept 2021.  With vaccines, Covid test results and masks in hand, I will take the first trip since 2019 with my Telluride friends, Michelle, Pat and Julie.

The festival is taking no chances.  Everyone with a festival pass had to submit proof of vaccines.  We will take 2 covid tests prior to the festival and will wear a mask to all screenings.  Audience size will be greatly reduced and more venues and 1 more day have been added to the festival.  

As before, I will write in my blog when I can, depending on time constraints.  We leave Calif. Aug 31 and the festival will be Sept. 2-6.