Thursday, June 16, 2016

Ashland June 16, 2016

I had a full and fun 2 days of theatre and family. I was really happy with all 4 shows. I saw some with my sister & some with either cousin or everyone together.

Great Expectations was first. It was an adaptation ( of course) that took some liberty with the story line, but it worked!  As you'd expect, the acting was superb and the story kept our interest. A good start to the trip.

Tues evening we saw The River Bride. It's a premiere of a new play based on a South American myth.  It's a simple love story with  twists of fate and family. I found it compelling & imaginative. I can picture Theatreworks liking this one.

On Wednesday we discovered that our other cousin, Jan's sister Pat was also in town!  Coincidence!  So Wed night we all met for dinner--- there were 7 of us in all. Had a lovely dinner & visit.

Wed matinee was my favorite show:  Twelfth Night. They set it in the 1930's Hollywood!  Hysterical!       The creativity and absolutely perfect acting kept me captivated.  It's such a funny story yet they made it so much better. 😃

Finally, Wed night we were at the outdoor Shakespeare theatre for The Wiz. Unfortunately it rained lightly throughout the show so the actors had to wear rain hats & coats over their costumes!  The magical  slippers on Dorothy became sneakers ( for safety ) and they had to modify the choreography due to a very wet stage. They were troupers, though!!  Fortunately our seats were under the balcony so we were protected, but rows in front got pretty wet.  But the show went on.  Good for them.

I did not bring the right clothes for the cold weather we had, so I had to buy a very heavy hooded sweatshirt that I lived in for 2 days !  Goodbye vanity!

It was a very nice trip and I look forward to returning. The hotel-- Beat Western Bard's Inn--- was excellent.

It was odd seeing nothing but white people the whole trip, however.  Unlike the Bay Area!
Here at the airport awaiting flight I hear a man speaking French on the phone-- makes me excited for my upcoming France trip in the Fall. ☺️

Homeward bound today.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14,2016 Ashland

I'm heading for Ashland where I'll meet up with cousin Jan, her daughter & my sister & friend for some theatre. I have 4 shows to see in 2 days. It's a short trip but I'm sure will feel longer.

Shows: Great Exoectations, The River Bride, 12th Night and The Wiz. These should be a nice mixture.  I like starting the summer with theatre then ending it with Telluride films over Labor Day.  ðŸ˜Š
I have to shut down I pad now for landing.  I'll write more after I see some shows.

Welcome summer!