Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday after thoughts

I now see that I forgot to include the Jon Stewart movie Rosewater in my list of favorites but meant to.
I need to stress that none of the movies was awful , but my top ones are the ones I listed. Some of the others might well have been in your top list and some of the others I would indeed recommend you see. I only listed those I really liked. Just personal preference.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Last dayTelluride 2014

I am always sad on the final day, but this was a good one as we got to see 4 more movies. In total I saw 23 however 6 were shorts, so 17 full length. This is by far a new record, as last year I saw 14and previous   years it was about 13. One reason was that this year the timing of films ( schedule) was much better, with minimal down time. Here's the list.

1. 99 Homes was a frightening tale set in Florida --2008-- during the foreclosures of millions of homes. The  focus was on a few of the slimy characters who capitalized on the tragedies of individuals. Strong acting. Definitely worth seeing.

2. 50 year argument was a documentary about celebrating the 50 year anniversary of  the New York Review of Books.  In it were clips from many interviews with interesting persons over the decades.  It was interesting for about 1/2 of it .

3 Diplomacy, was set in 1944 Paris under Nazi control & consisted mostly of a diplomatic discussion between a French diplomat and a German General. The Frenchman was trying to convince the German not to destroy Paris.  My Francophile friends will like this one.

4 Seymour  was a documentary about a famous pianist, Seymour Bernstein, discussing his philosophy of music & life. The actor Ethan Hawke  directed this. I very much liked the piano master classes & his reflections about music in our lives.

It was a very fulfilling festival.

At the top of my list:

The Imitation Game ( which seems to be everyone's favorite)
Merchants of Doubt-- documentary
99 homes

But there are others that are good & that some of you will like.

Shorts we saw:
Lift you up
Don't hug me

So sorry it is over! :-)